Connect, create, and celebrate with musicians and dancers of all ages through education, competition, and community partnerships. 2025 festival divisions include: Ballet, Brass, Choral, Composition, Flute, Jazz, Piano, Reed, String, and Voice!
Division Fact Sheets
Meet our 2025 Adjudicators and clinicians
Festival Rules & Regulations
- MusicFest Northwest is open to participants of all ages. Please see respective class details in the festival page, for eligibility.
- Classes are open to any person whose principal means of livelihood is obtained from non-musical work, even though he/she/they accepts stipend or honorarium from time to time from musical services rendered.
- No one piece of music may be performed by the same person in two different classes.
- Where indicated for a class, entries are limited to students of the specified age, school grade, or level.
- In those sections that require more than one performer (duos, trios, etc.) a student may be a member of more than one group in the same class.
- MusicFest does not provide pianist accompanist for participants. Participants will be responsible for securing their own accompanists and arranging any fees/rehearsals. If you need helping acquiring an accompanist, please see our local accompanist list under additional resources in your division page.
- Young Artist winners are not eligible to compete as a Young Artist in the same division in any subsequent festival.
- Young Artist participants may not participate in multiple Young Artist divisions in the same festival year. Young Artist participants may participate in Adjudicator Choice classes, however they will not be eligible for an Adjudicator Choice Award if they have been selected as winner in their Young Artist class. Individuals participating in both Young Artist and Adjudicator Choice classes may not perform the required repertoire from their Young Artist section in their Adjudicator Choice class.
- Except for the Ballet Division, no recorded music will be allowed for accompaniment.
- Participants are responsible for hiring their own accompanists. Accompanists are not classified as participants, except in Chamber Music where the piano is an integral component rather than an accompanying participant so all members will be adjudicated.
- No late entries will be accepted.
- MusicFest Northwest has a No Refund Policy
- Any exceptions must be addressed by sending a letter to the administrative team for MusicFest Northwest. Any approved refund will not include peripheral fees.
- MusicFest Northwest reserves the right to close any particular division or class in the event of low enrollment, and refunds will be issued as seen fit by the administrative team.
- By entering the MusicFest Northwest festival you understand that your image, video or audio may be used in the media or in marketing material. You are giving MusicFest Northwest and their agents the right to use those images and likenesses. If you wish to not have your image used, please contact our office at 509-327-3455.
- MusicFest Northwest requires legally obtained music scores. It is the responsibility of teachers and students to be sure their music is in compliance with copyright laws. If you have questions about using scores downloaded from sources such as IMSLP, please refer to the ASCAP Licensing web page:
- Participants must report to their Check-in desk 15 minutes before the time specified in their schedule. For various reasons a participant’s order of performance as assigned by the Chair might change without notice.
- Participants must give a copy of their music to the check-in Assistant when they report, opened at the proper page with measures numbered.
- Once the class has all started, all participants must stay for the entirety of the class.
- When called for adjudication, instrumentalists and voice participants will take the stage and wait for the Adjudicator’s signal to begin performing.
- Time limits are maximum; less time may be used but not more. If a selection exceeds the time limit, the adjudicator may stop the performance.
- In all adjudication rooms, cell phones and pagers must be in “do not disturb” mode or “airplane” mode. Flash photography is not permitted. All video, photo and audio recording during class sessions is strictly prohibited, except by the official MusicFest Northwest photographers. Photos may be taken after the class is concluded.
- In Divisions and Classes where memorization is required, participants choosing to use their music may be heard for adjudication only.
- Grading:
- Superior, 97-100
- Excellent, 94-96
- Very Good, 90-93
- Good, 80-89
- Fair 75-79
- Ballet and Voice Divisions use equivalent ratings but no numerical grades.
- A Certificate of Merit is given to all participants for a “Superior” performance.
Questions or concerns regarding adjudication, grading or awards should not be discussed with the Adjudicator and must be in writing to the Festival Director.
- To be eligible for an award in any class, the entrant must be adjudicated during that class. All Young Artist participants must be adjudicated in all three classes (1A, 1B, and 1C) at the time scheduled by the Division Chair.
- In order to be considered for an award involving public performance and/or monetary compensation, a participant must be available for rehearsals and performances as scheduled. If the winner of the class cannot take advantage of an award, it may be offered to a qualified alternate, as determined by the adjudicator.
- Participants may receive only one monetary award given by MusicFest Northwest in the same year.
- A participant may perform in only one Festival concert in the same year. This rule does not pertain to radio performances.
- The adjudicator is the sole judge, and that decision is final. If, in the opinion of the Adjudicator, no entrant in an award class meets the standard of performance, the award shall not be given.
- Grading System: Superior (97 – 100), Excellent (94 – 96), Very Good (90 – 93), Good (80 – 89), Fair (75 – 79), Incomplete (>75)
- In all Award Classes:
- One (1) Gold Medal may be given with a grade of 97 or above (Superior)
- One (1) Silver Medal may be given with a grade of 94 or above (Excellent)
- In Classes where a Cash Award is given, ties are not allowed
Any first place performance receiving a grade of 94-96 (Excellent) can only receive a Silver Medal and is not eligible for any Cash Award or festival highlights
MusicFest Festival Highlights Concert will take place on Thursday, May 15th, 2025 at 7:30 PM
- There are no additional fees for individuals participating in these classes.
- The Gold Medal winner(s) with the highest score in EACH Adjudicator’s Choice Class will be invited to perform at the Festival Highlights concert. If no Gold Medal is awarded, at the adjudicator’s discretion, the class will not be represented at the Festival Highlights Concert.
- Participants in Adjudicator’s Choice classes may enter the Young Artist section within the same festival year, however if they are selected as a Young Artist winner, they will no longer be eligible for the Adjudicator Choice Award.
- For Brass, Flute, Reed, String and Voice Divisions, winners in “Adjudicators Choice” Classes are selected to perform in the Festival Highlights concert. All classes designated as an Adjudicator’s Choice Class will be held on Monday, Tuesday & Wednesday of festival week.
- For the Piano Division the winner of each playoff group will perform at the Festival Highlights Concert on Friday, May 17, 2024. Adjudicators may select one winner from each group of the following classes: Baroque Classes (PB08, PB09, PB10, PB11, PJS14 and PJS15), Classical Classes (PHM17, PHM18, PHM19, PBE21, PBE22, PBE23, PC30 and PC31), Romantic/Chopin Classes (PR38, PR39, PR40, PR41, PCH45, PCH46, PCH47 and PCH48), Impressionist/Contemporary Classes (PI51, PI52, PCT60, PCT61, PCT62 and PCT63). Playoffs for the piano division Adjudicator Choice Awards will take place on Thursday afternoon, May 16th, 2024, schedule TBD.
- In order to be eligible for the Adjudicator Choice Award, participants must be available to perform at the Festival Highlights Concert, on Friday, May 17th, 2024.
- Each division will have specific division specific rules/regulations. Please see each division for more information.
For Ballet and Composition, please refer to the specific rules listed in their tabs.
- Introductory Masterclasses (New this year!) are for those who would like to perform and receive feedback, but not receive a numerical score. The relaxed and encouraging atmosphere of the masterclass is perfect for musicians of any age (studying privately or not), who are beginners or intermediates, or who just want to try out their pieces and get helpful suggestions from an outstanding adjudicator. Memory is optional, and pieces need not be completely polished. Any repertoire (in any style) that does not exceed 6 minutes may be chosen in order to allow for ample adjudication time on the piece. Piano accompaniment is optional. Introductory Masterclasses offer participants the opportunity to perform a piece of their choice and receive written and oral feedback from the adjudicator. The music may be from any era or genre of music.
- Adjudication-Only Classes are for those who wish to receive feedback and a numerical score. Memory is optional. Piano accompaniment is expected when appropriate. Adjudicator will offer written and oral feedback along with a numerical score. No medals are awarded.
- *Competition Classes (marked by an asterisk) are for those who wish to compete for medals. Memory is required unless otherwise stated. Piano accompaniment is expected when/where appropriate. Adjudicator will offer written and oral feedback, along with a score. Gold/silver medals are awarded at the discretion of the adjudicator. Medal winners may be invited to perform live on the KPBX radio.
- **Adjudicators’ Choice Class (marked by a double asterisk) indicate a competition class where participants receive written and oral feedback, along with a score. Gold/silver medals are awarded at the discretion of the adjudicator. The gold medal winner with the highest score will be invited to perform at the Festival Highlights concert at the Myrtle Woldson Performing Arts Center.
- The Young Artist Competition is the highest level of competition and is reserved for those ages 16-29 (19-33 for Voice). The gold medal winner performs with the Spokane Symphony in the Young Artist Concert at the Fox Theater, and receives a cash prize. Ballet Young Artist performer performs in the Festival Highlights Concert at the Myrtle Woldson Performing Arts Center, and receives a cash prize. Memory is required unless otherwise stated. Piano accompaniment is required when appropriate.
- Classes labeled * indicate a competition class
- Introductory Masterclass offers written and spoken adjudication only. No score or rating is awarded.
- *Medal Class where winners receive gold/silver medals. Classes without this designation are adjudication (individual feedback) only.
- **Advanced Ballet Class (competition class where winners receive gold/silver medals), participants in this class will also be eligible for the Adjudicator Choice Award and be required to perform at the Festival Highlights Concert.
- Participants must be between 8-20 years of age to be eligible for an award. (Young Artists between the ages of 14-20).
- Intermediate through Advanced classes must have pointe shoes available for class as appropriate.
- Changes within a class may be made at the discretion of the chairman.
- For adjudication female participants must wear black leotards, pink tights and pink shoes. No jewelry, adornments or frills may be worn. Male participants must wear white T-shirts, black tights, black/white shoes
- Warm-up rooms will be available.
- Introductory Masterclasses are for those who would like to present their music and receive feedback, but not receive a numerical score. The relaxed and encouraging atmosphere of the masterclass is perfect for musicians of any age (studying privately or not), who are beginners or intermediates, or who just present their music and get helpful suggestions from an outstanding adjudicator. Live recordings, performance, or mockups of compositions are optional.
- Adjudication-Only Classes are for those who wish to receive feedback and a numerical score. Scores and recording (live, or mockup), or a live performance of the composition, are required. Adjudicator will offer written and oral feedback along with a numerical score. No medals are awarded. Participants may be chosen to present their compositions on the KPBX public radio at the discretion of the adjudicator.
- *Competition Classes (marked by an asterisk) are for those who wish to compete for medals. Scores and recording (live, or mockup), or a live performance of the composition, are required. Adjudicator will offer written and oral feedback, along with a numerical score. Gold/silver medals are awarded at the discretion of the adjudicator. Medal winners may be invited to share their composition on the KPBX radio. Participants may be chosen to play on the KPBX public radio at the discretion of the adjudicator.
- **Adjudicators’ Choice Class (marked by a double asterisk) indicate a competition class where participants receive written and oral feedback, along with a numerical score. Gold/silver medals are awarded at the discretion of the adjudicator. The gold medal winner with the highest score in any 9th-12th grade Adjudicators choice, will be invited to present their composition (in live or recorded form) at the Festival Highlights concert at the Myrtle Woldson Performing Arts Center.The gold medal winner with the highest score in any College Adjudicators choice, will be invited to present their composition (in live or recorded form) at the Festival College Collage concert at the Myrtle Woldson Performing Arts Center. Participants may be chosen to share their composition on the KPBX public radio at the discretion of the adjudicator.
- The Young Artist Competition is the highest level of competition and is reserved for those ages 16-29. The gold medal winner is commissioned, with a cash prize, to write a new work for a professional chamber ensemble, to be performed at a later date. Scores and recording (live, or mockup), or a live performance of the composition, are required. Participants may be chosen to play on the KPBX public radio at the discretion of the adjudicator.
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