Welcome to the Reed Division

We offer two different main tiers of classes. 1. Non-Competition, 2. Competition Classes (please read below for more detail). Select your grade in school/age below for more class information.

Reed Division Fact Sheet


  1. Introductory Masterclasses (New this year!) are for those who would like to perform and receive feedback, but not receive a numerical score. The relaxed and encouraging atmosphere of the masterclass is perfect for musicians of any age (studying privately or not), who are beginners or intermediates, or who just want to try out their pieces and get helpful suggestions from an outstanding adjudicator. Memory is optional, and pieces need not be completely polished. Any repertoire (in any style) that does not exceed 6 minutes may be chosen in order to allow for ample adjudication time on the piece. Piano accompaniment is optional. Introductory Masterclasses offer participants the opportunity to perform a piece of their choice and receive written and oral feedback from the adjudicator. The music may be from any era or genre of music.
  2. Adjudication-Only Classes are for those who wish to receive feedback and a numerical score. Memory is optional. Piano accompaniment is expected when appropriate. Adjudicator will offer written and oral feedback along with a numerical score. No medals are awarded. Participants may be chosen to play on the KPBX public radio at the discretion of the adjudicator.


  1. *Competition Classes (marked by an asterisk) are for those who wish to compete for medals. Memory is required unless otherwise stated. Piano accompaniment is expected when/where appropriate. Adjudicator will offer written and oral feedback, along with a score. Gold/silver medals are awarded at the discretion of the adjudicator. Medal winners may be invited to perform live on the KPBX radio. Participants may be chosen to play on the KPBX public radio at the discretion of the adjudicator.
  2. **Adjudicators’ Choice Class (marked by a double asterisk) indicate a competition class where participants receive written and oral feedback, along with a score. Gold/silver medals are awarded at the discretion of the adjudicator. The gold medal winner with the highest score will be invited to perform at the Festival Highlights concert at the Myrtle Woldson Performing Arts Center. Participants may be chosen to play on the KPBX public radio at the discretion of the adjudicator.
  3. The Young Artist Competition is the highest level of competition and is reserved for those ages 16-29. The gold medal winner performs with the Spokane Symphony in the Young Artist Concert at the Fox Theater, and receives a cash prize. Ballet Young Artist performer performs in the Festival Highlights Concert at the Myrtle Woldson Performing Arts Center, and receives a cash prize. Memory is required unless otherwise stated. Piano accompaniment is required when appropriate. Participants may be chosen to play on the KPBX public radio at the discretion of the adjudicator.

Please review all Festival Rules & Regulations prior to registration.

Additional Resources

Participants must contact a pianist directly. MusicFest Northwest does not provide a pianist for classes. It is the responsibility of the participant to secure their own pianists. We know that finding a pianist can be challenging so we have compiled a list a local pianists that are available during the week of MusicFest Northwest 2023. (Note that participants may coordinate with pianists included in the list below) It is the participants’ responsibility to coordinate rehearsals, fees, performance time, and any other information with their chosen pianist. The fees charged may vary between pianists.

Please note: Teachers may not accompany their own students in any of the Young Artist Divisions.

  • Hannah Acheson, achesonpiano@gmail.com , (509) 675-0509
  • Elena Panchenko, elena.panchenko@gmail.com , (509) 339-3492
  • Carly Bair, cbair@whitworth.edu , (425) 343-6048
  • Tomoko Kimura, tkimura@ewu.edu , (509) 280-6987
  • Greg Presley, gregpresley@netzero.com , (509) 251-3275
  • Rachelle Ventura, rachelleventura@gmail.com , (509) 533-1907
  • Margaret Francik, francikmargaret@gmail.com , (509) 531-6849
  • Christian Skok, Cskok98@gmail.com , (509) 993-8299
  • Cedric Bidwell-Williams, cedric@bidwell-williams.org , (509) 565-9253
  • Yi-chun Chen, pianoyichun@yahoo.com , (509) 842-4241
  • Katelyn Kennedy, Kkennedy10@ewu.edu , (360) 550-8937
  • Scott Rednour, srednour@ewu.edu , (917) 612-7554
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